Three siblings killed and stored in deep freezer in Anambra(photos)

Three siblings killed and stored in deep freezer in Anambra(photos)

  • Okolorji John Kennedy
    Okolorji John Kennedy
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Report has it that three siblings, boy aged 5, and two girls aged 7 and 9 – were murdered in their home and their bodies were stored into a deep freezer in Nnewichi, Nnewi, Anambra state, by yet to be identified assailants.


The eldest of the siblings, a girl, Ejezie Chikaima Daviana, with the second daughter, Ejezie Chimziterem Dominica and the only son, Ejezie Chimdilim David, were in the house when their mother, Mrs Chikazor Ejezie, said to be a lecturer and a nurse, left home to partake in an examination on the fateful day.

Three siblings killed and stored in deep freezer in Anambra(photos)

Three siblings

When she returned from the examination, the mother met the door leading to the house open wide, an unusual occurrence since the children always locked the doors whenever they went out to play.


The father of the deceased siblings, Mr Ejezie Udochukwu, who is based in Irrua, Edo State, said he was called on Saturday, February 1, and told about the incident by his wife and he had to rush to Nnewichi.